Access Guidelines
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Believe the fact that, every lecture is designed in a way that student's regular doubts will be cleared while watching the lecture attentively.
Follow the below sequence to get your doubts clear
1. Watch the corresponding video once again with more attentiveness in 1.0x speed with an open and neutral mind-set.
2. Surf internet to get your doubt clear. PiSquare courses are designed in such a way, student should know "How to learn" not "just learning".
3. Share/Ask your doubt with your friends or senior or college teacher (don't hesitate to try this)
4. Finally, PiSquare is always there to get your doubt clarified, join the live doubt clearing session on every Wednesday & Sunday at 5pm(IST) and get your doubts cleared. (Check below section for the live session details)
Follow these steps to attend the live session on every Sunday & Wednesday at 5pm(IST), Must join the session before 5:10 pm
Step1: Install PiSquare Guidance App (Mobile App, Windows_PC) well before the live session (skip this step, if it is already installed)
Org Code: JEANM
Step2: Clickhere to purchase the Doubt clearing session at just ₹9.
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Course Download links
Dear Aspirant, we understand your excitement🙂, but you need to follow few basics steps to access the content.
Please hold your excitement & visit Section A (Guide to access the course), make sure you are following simple steps listed.
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Pro tip1: You Download one module first, after watching that module download the next module. You can keep downloaded videos in any external storage, if less space is available in your licensed device.
Pro tip2: While watching the lectures keep the mobile in "flight mode" to avoid distractions.
1.02 Types of electrical sources, Ohm's Law
1.03 Electrical source as passive element (YT Video)
1.04 Finding equivalent resistance
1.05 Star-delta, Substitution Theorem
1.07 Voltage, Current division
1.09 Advanced methods of Source Transformation (YT Video)
2.1 SPT (Super Position Theorem)
2.2 Duality, Thevenin and Norton's Theorems
2.3 MPTT (Maximum Power Transfer Theorem)
3.1 Introduction to Magnetic Circuits
3.3 Inductance Calculation of coupled circuits
4.02 Why and How Inductor does not allow sudden change in currents
4.03 Time Constant Calculation
4.04 Initial & Final Value Calculation
4.05 Complete Response of 1st order DC circuit
4.06 RC, RL circuit time constant derivation
5.1 Two port intro, Z, Y, h, f Parameters
5.2 Z, Y, h, g Parameters numericals, interconnection-Part1
Clickhere for The Master Plan to Crack and Top the GATE
Download Listen to Concentration Audio(White Noise) while reading a book/notes
Download GATE-2022 Syllabus (official website).
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